I love giving away awesome tools to help you drive your transformation forward! Here you’ll find my Free Exercise E-Book outlining the fifteen most important principles for sculpting your body, building lean muscle, and forging powerhouse strength. (It’s a 70 page game-changer and will transform how you approach your workouts forever!) You’ll find my Free Healthy Eating Guide which lays out how to approach breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, provides templates that make building great tasting super healthy meals easy, and provides a repertoire of health fortifying and metabolism revving foods to choose from. And you’ll find all the articles I’ve written since starting my newsletter four years ago.
Use Supersets and Circuit Training
As a busy hard-working adult who has to balance work, family, and social obligations…
Be Sure To Use Unilateral Exercises
When too many of us head to the gym to weight train we make the mistake…
My One Unbreakable Dietary Rule
We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and are somewhere on the road…
Thanksgiving Dinner Isn’t As Bad As You Think!
Are most of us going to over eat at Thanksgiving? You bet.
Why You Need a Personal Dietary Approach
A common theme you hear from many dietary experts is that there is a single “best, healthiest…
Why You Have To Resistance Train To Build a Lean, Strong, Healthy Body
Most of us understand that to build and maintain a lean…
In the Context of Life it is Too Difficult to Lose Weight Through Exercise Alone
For many of us, our first step in building a lean, strong, healthy body will be to lose weight.
Instagram’s BIG Problem with Bad Information
Over the last five plus years more and more people have turned to Instagram for inspiration…
When You Exercise, Prioritize Your Safety and Long Term Health Above Everything Else
When you run, jump, and lift you force your muscle, tendons, ligaments…
Keep Your Exercise Program Simple. Rely on and Master the Fundamentals
To build a lean, strong, and healthy body, many of us are under the impression that we have to include…
This Is Who We Learn From
Last week I got into a discussion, or better said ‘a debate’ with a colleague and after a few minutes of back…
Thoughts on Adjusting Your Workouts to a Major Life Change
As I mentioned last week; two weeks ago my first child was born! And while it has been a magical…
Time for a Review
Childbirth is without a doubt the most incredible experience the two of us have ever witnessed, as well as very exhausting and overwhelming.
How to Really Build a Great Butt
Today, I want to take some time to address one of the most frustrating and stubborn phenomena my team and I encounter;
The Awesomeness that is the Bulgarian Split Squat
Now, for those of you who don’t know what a Bulgarian Split Squat is, it is a unilateral squatting motion, lower body exercise
The Traits of a Good Workout Partner
Today I want to quickly talk about workout partners and more specifically the qualities that make for a good workout.
In Praise of Buffets
Today I want to tell you about one of the best tools that I use to help myself and many of my clients build and maintain healthy eating habits
I Don’t Want A Break. I Just Want To —-Ing Be There!
Last week I had a great conversation with a friend of mine, during which he said something that encapsulated drive, focus and grit.
Actually, people really are watching you in the gym.
Have you ever heard someone say you shouldn’t feel self-conscious when you’re at the gym because in reality nobody is…
How NOT to Balance Alcohol & Exercise
This week I wanted to share with you a mistake I recently made that ended up costing me a couple of workouts…
How to Schedule and Organize Your Workouts to Maximize Your Muscular Gains Part V
Today’s piece is going to be Part I of a multi-part piece detailing how to properly schedule your…