Hey hey, good morning everyone and as always happy Thursday.
So last Thursday my wife & I welcomed our firstborn child into our family!!!
Childbirth is without a doubt the most incredible experience the two of us have ever witnessed, as well as very exhausting and overwhelming.
But with newborns come new responsibilities… Not to mention far less sleep!
So this week, instead of writing something new, I am going to bring you through a review of what we have covered in our previous Newsletters from over the last several months.
I’ve wanted to do this for a while now, but decided I’d save this review until a week where I didn’t have the mental bandwidth to try to be insightful or anything beyond basically being half brain-dead.
And who knew? The one week when you bring your first child into the world happen to be exactly that week!
We all know that just because we read an article or hear a lecture or go to a class, that doesn’t necessarily mean we will retain 100% of the information provided to each of us.
The reality is; if you want to learn something new while really getting it ingrained in your mind, you need to read it, hear it or do it a number of times.
So, with the much needed review and my particularly diminished mental capacities in mind, below my signature line, the following is a list of all of the articles my team and I have placed together from the past for your review:
(Please take some time to scroll through each title and re-read those articles which you found particularly impactful previously.)
And hopefully we’ll be back at it next week with a brand new Newsletter.
As always,
To our health
Your exercise and dietary coach
Zach Moore
1. The Traits of a Good Workout Partner
3. I Don’t Want a Break. I Just Want to —-ing be There!
4. Actually, People Really are Watching you in the Gym
5. How Not to Balance Alcohol & Exercise
6. How to Schedule your Workouts to Maximize your Progress Part I
7. How to Schedule your Workouts to Maximize your Progress Part II
8. How to Schedule your Workouts to Maximize your Progress Part III
9. How to Schedule your Workouts to Maximize your Progress Part IV
10. How to Schedule your Workouts to Maximize your Progress Part V
11. Your Emotional Health is the Foundation of your Physical Health
12. Why you Need to Know your Body Fat Percentage
13. The Major Problem with Body Mass Index (BMI)
14. How to Really Swing a Kettlebell Part I
15. How to Really Swing a Kettlebell Part II
16. How Computer Work Damages your Body Part I
17. How Computer Work Damages your Body Part II
18. How Computer Work Damages your Body Part III
19. The 4 Ways to Make a Burger (Far) Healthier
20. Building your Best Pre-Sleep Routine
21. Why you Should Never Round your Lower Back when Lifting
22. The Awesomeness that is the Bulgarian Split Squat
23. How to Really Build a Great Butt
And everyone, if you found today’s article insightful, inspiring or enlightening and you have a friend, family member, colleague or peer who you think would benefit from what we’ve talked about here today, pass on this email please.
One of the best things you can do for those you care about is helping them to build a healthy and great looking body. A body that is strong, capable and moves without pain and a body in which they feel confident and happy.