“The Zach Moore Training team is the best group of personal trainers in New York City. Dedicated, focused, and smart. Everything you could ask for from a personal training team.”
A lifelong competitive athlete and firm believer in the importance of exercise and healthy eating, Zach first established his own highly successful personal training and dietary management practice here in Manhattan before expanding the Zach Moore Training team in 2014. Since then, Zach has worked tirelessly to build one of the most focused, professional, and capable personal training teams in New York.
A truly professional personal trainer and nutritionist, Zach has dedicated his professional life to the progress, safety, and personal care of his clients and his team. Zach has always had a focused approach to the development of his client’s programs and has always emphasized the importance of evidenced based research and mastering the fundamentals to ensure his programs always incorporate only the most effective and proven techniques.
A strong proponent of continued education and cooperative care, Zach has obtained certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the American Academy of Health, Fitness, and Rehab Professionals, The International Sports Science Association, and Precision Nutrition and has developed strong professional relationships with colleagues across the health, fitness, and medical fields. With years of education, and personal athletic and professional experiences, Zach brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise as the Director and Head Trainer of the Zach Moore Training team.
B.A. Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana – Graduated 2007.
National Strength & Conditioning Association:
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist – (NSCA-CSCS)
American Association of Health Fitness & Rehabilitation Professionals:
Medical Exercise Specialist – (AAHFRP-MES)
National Academy of Sports Medicine:
Certified Personal Trainer – (NASM-CPT)
Precision Nutrition:
Certified Nutritionist Level 1 – (PN-L1)
International Sports Science Association:
Certified Sports Nutritionist – (ISSA-CSN)