“The Zach Moore Training team is the best group of personal trainers in New York City. Dedicated, focused, and smart. Everything you could ask for from a personal training team.”
New Zealand Olympian Blake Skjellerup began Ice Speed Skating at the age of 10 after a roller blading accident left him unable to play rugby for 2 months. Not known as a popular sport in his home town of Christchurch, Blake quickly saw the opportunity within the sport, and set on a path to becoming a professional athlete. 2 short years later he was representing New Zealand internationally, and 12 short months later won his first national and international titles. In his career, Skjellerup won 15 national titles, 5 international titles, competed in 11 World Championships, over 45 World Cup events, and placed 16th at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.
Now with 20 years of experience in professional sport, Blake brings a unique and broad knowledge base to one-on-one training. Specializing in agility, speed, flexibility, Olympic lifting, and sport specific training, Blake works with clients to develop a well rounded program to advance their personal goals. Blake stresses the power of positive thinking and micro-goal setting to achieve the clients goals, no matter the level and degree.
B.A. University of Auckland.
New Zealand Institute of Health and Fitness:
Certified Personal Trainer – (NZIHF-CPT)
New Zealand Institute of Health and Fitness:
Olympic Lifting Specialist – (NZIHF-OLS)